Septic morbidity in severely burned patients poses an enormous challenge to
even the most experienced critical care physician. Many features unique to burn
patients make diagnosis and management of infection especially difficult. Burn
injury represents the most extreme endpoint along the spectrum of traumatic
injury and as such is associated with profound alterations in host defense mechanisms
and immune function. These derangements predispose thermally injured
patients to local and systemic invasion by microbial pathogens.
Many of the clinical signs and symptoms used to diagnose infection in other
settings are unreliable in the burn intensive care unit since they are often present
even in the absence of true underlying infection. Advances in critical care such as
earlier resuscitation and support of the hypermetabolic response have decreased
burn mortality, but infections are still pervasive in severely burned patients and
account for significant morbidity and mortality.
With regard to burn wound infection, the cornerstone of management continues
to be aggressive early debridement of devitalized and infected tissue. Unfortunately,
burn patients are rapidly colonized by nosocomial pathogens and foci
of invasive infection must be identified and treated quickly with appropriate antimicrobial
therapy. In addition to the burn wound, other potential foci for invasive
infection include the tracheobronchial tree, the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract,
central venous catheters, and the urinary tract.
Once an infection is disseminated hematogenously and becomes established
in a burn patient, it is very difficult to eradicate, even with large doses of broadspectrum
antimicrobial therapy. Traditional thinking would argue for beginning
broad-spectrum coverage at the first signs of infection and then narrowing the
coverage as results of cultures come back. While this is clearly true for many critically
ill patients, burns represent a unique situation, which may merit more aggressive
The role of systemic antimicrobial therapy in the treatment of infection in
burn patients is still very controversial. New emerging strains of multiresistant
organisms represent an ominous threat in the burn unit and monotherapy with
conventional antimicrobials may be inadequate for some infections. Development
of newer and more potent agents targeted at these pathogens holds some promise
for the future. In the meantime, treatment with two or more agents is becoming
necessary in the management of these gram-negative invasive infections.
Before the advent of early excision and grafting and the development of topical
antimicrobial agents, burn wound sepsis invariably resulted in the death of
severely burned patients. Near total burn wound excision early in the hospital
course has led to a precipitous decline in mortality.1 This is due at least in part to
a concomitant reduction in the incidence of burn wound sepsis. In addition to
early excision and closure of the burn wound, topical antimicrobials have made a
significant impact on septic morbidity from invasive burn wound infection. While
great strides have been made in the area of burn wound infection, pulmonary
infection has taken over as the primary cause of septic mortality in burn patients.
Nosocomial pneumonias in the setting of inhalation injury and a large cutaneous
burn are associated with mortality as high as 60%.2 Inevitably, a downward spiral
of progressive pulmonary insufficiency ensues, as pneumonia leads to prolonged
ventilatory dependence, iatrogenic barotrauma, and respiratory failure.
In addition to pneumonia, fungal infections are becoming more commonplace
in the burn intensive care unit. While systemic candidiasis has been around
for some time, angioinvasive infections with Fusarium and Aspergillus are being
seen more frequently. While burn patients used to die from inadequate resuscitation
and burn wound sepsis, they now die from inhalation injury, pneumonia,
and rampant fungal septicemia. Antifungal chemotherapy has also emerged as an
important modality for managing complicated fungal infection in thermally injured
Thermal injury is associated with a state of generalized immunosuppression
which is characterized by an impairment of host defense mechanisms and defects
in humoral and cell-mediated immunity. There are several specific alterations in
host defense which are intrinsic to the burn injury itself and which predispose
these patients to microbial invasion. Superimposed on these intrinsic alterations
are extrinsic factors unrelated to the burn injury which increase the likelihood of
invasive infection.
The most important intrinsic factor is breach of the mechanical barrier provided
by the skin. While there is a normal resident skin flora, invasive infection is
rare through an intact epithelial barrier. The skin has bacteriostatic properties
that normally limit the degree of colonization. The local microenvironment is not
supportive for growth of microbial pathogens. This changes drastically with a severe
burn injury. The burn wound provides a warm and moist microenvironment
in which bacterial proliferation is fostered. Microbial growth is rapid as once nonpathogenic
organisms are now allowed to flourish. It is important to realize that
the most important intrinsic factor is breach of the mechanical skin barrier, since
this has implications for the overall approach to infection control. It is the fundamental
and primary defect. Antimicrobial therapy and wound care can be viewed
as temporizing measures to stave off infection until the primary defect is repaired.
This is what makes early excision and closure of the burn wound so important.
In addition to breaching the skin barrier, burn injury also results in transient
mesenteric vasoconstriction, which leads to intestinal ischemia. Mesenteric ischemia
following thermal injury is associated with a loss of gut mucosal integrity,
which then predisposes patients to bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal
Patients with large cutaneous flame burns often have an associated smoke inhalation
injury. Another significant intrinsic alteration is impairment of the
mucociliary clearance mechanism following smoke inhalation. This predisposes
patients to microbial invasion of the tracheobronchial tree as the bacterial load
increases secondary to inadequate clearance of secretions and cellular debris by
the mucociliary escalator. In addition to these alterations in host defense, there
are specific defects in humoral and cell-mediated immunity which occur following
severe burn injury. The most important is impaired function of natural killer
cells. Dysfunction of natural killer cells has been demonstrated in several studies.3
In addition, the generalized immunosuppression of burn injury is also characterized
by specific alterations in B and T cell function.
Extrinsic factors synergize with the intrinsic factors described above to produce
the picture of a patient who is profoundly susceptible to invasive infection.
Intubation and mechanical ventilation increase the risk of colonization of the
tracheobronchial tree. It is important to recognize that the burn intensive care
unit is a reservoir of potential microbial pathogens. Tracheostomies represent a
similar hazard and have been shown to increase the risk of colonization and nosocomial
pneumonia. Immobilization is another extrinsic factor associated with the
development of nosocomial pneumonia. Indwelling Foley catheters predispose
patients to the development of urinary tract infection. Prolonged central venous
catheterization is associated with an increased risk of sepsis. In general, extrinsic
and iatrogenic risk factors should be minimized in order to decrease the chance of
opportunistic infection in a patient who is already prone to infection secondary
to factors which are intrinsic to the injury.
The diagnosis and management of burn wound infection is based on early
identification of an infected wound. Clinically, burn wound infection is most often
recognized based on gross appearance or conversion of a partial thickness to a
full thickness wound. Once there is clinical suspicion of invasive burn wound sepsis,
it is imperative to obtain quantitative wound cultures. Generally, wound cultures
growing organisms at greater than 1x 105 organisms/gm of tissue are considered
indicative of a wound at significant risk for invasive sepsis. It is important to
realize, however, that histologic confirmation of actual tissue invasion by the microbial
pathogens is the only way to clearly establish the diagnosis of invasive burn
wound sepsis. The most common pathogens include methicillin-sensitive and
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Topical antimicrobial agents play an important role in decreasing the incidence
of burn wound infection. The astute clinician must be cognizant, however,
that antimicrobial therapy is not a substitute for aggressive debridement of grossly
infected and devitalized tissue. Excision of all infected tissue continues to be the
mainstay of treatment. Nonetheless, topical antimicrobial agents are useful and it
is important to be familiar with them. There are several commonly used agents
which include silver sulfadiazine, mafenide acetate, and silver nitrate. In addition,
sodium hypochlorite or Dakins solution is often helpful in certain situations.
Silver sulfadiazine is advantageous in that it is painless on application. Unfortunately
it does not penetrate through eschar very well, which makes it inadequate
for deep partial thickness and full thickness burns. In sharp contrast, mafenide
acetate is associated with much better penetration but causes pain upon application
and may cause a metabolic acidosis secondary to inhibition of carbonic anhydrase.
Silver nitrate provides broad-spectrum coverage but fails to penetrate.
Sodium hypochlorite in low concentration provides excellent bactericidal activity
and does not impair wound healing. In higher concentrations, it may impair wound
healing, however. With the exception of transient exposure for procedures, povidone-
iodine should generally be avoided since it is associated with impaired wound
healing and inhibition of fibroblasts and also can cause thyroid and immune dysfunction.
Other topical agents include Bactroban, Bacitracin, Polymyxin B, and
Mycostatin. Bactroban provides excellent staphylococcal coverage; however cost
may be prohibitive. Bacitracin is useful for minor wounds, and is most often combined
with Neomycin and Polymyxin into a triple antibiotic ointment. Polymyxin
is petroleum based and thus keeps grafts moist. Mycostatin may be combined
with either Polymyxin or Silvadene in order to extend the coverage of these agents.
Tables 7.1 and 7.2 summarize the topical agents.
Table 7.1. Topical antimicrobials
Topical Agents Advantages Disadvantages
Silver Sulfadiazine Painless Lack of penetration
Mafenide Acetate Penetrates Painful, Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
Silver Nitrate Broad spectrum Limited penetration
Sodium Hypochlorite Broad spectrum Impairs wound healing in high doses
Table 7.2. Other topical agents
Bacitracin Gram-positive Minimal
coverage Often combined with polymyxin
and neomycin into triple
Polymyxin B Petroleum-based Often combined with mycostatin
Keeps grafts moist into “Polymyco”
(Polymyxin and mycostatin) Extended coverage
Bactroban Staphylococcal Very expensive
coverage Useful for ghosted grafts
(Silvadene and mycostatin) Extended coverage
Central line sepsis is associated with prolonged indwelling central venous catheters.
Meticulous sterile technique is essential during line placement to avoid introduction
of potential pathogens. All areas should be carefully prepped and draped
with Betadine or Hibiclens solution and the physician gowned and gloved appropriately
prior to insertion. Central line sepsis may be primary in which the central
line is the original focus of infection. It also may be secondary, in which case, the
catheter tip is seeded and serves as a nidus for continued shedding of microorganisms
into the blood stream. Signs of erythema or inflammation around the insertion
site should alert the clinician to the potential for a line infection. However it
is important to realize that there may be significant infection of the catheter tip
even when skin surrounding the insertion site appears normal. Central lines can
be associated with the development of both gram negative and gram positive sepsis.
The key concept to recognize is that central lines represent an avascular foreign
body and as such are prone to microbial seeding. There is significant controversy
with regard to the frequency of line changes necessary to avoid catheterrelated
infection. It is the author’s preference that central venous catheters be
changed over a wire by the Seldinger method every 3-5 days. More frequent line
changes may actually increase the risk of central line sepsis. Once a catheter-related
infection is suspected, the central venous line should be promptly removed
and the tip cultured. Systemic antimicrobial therapy can be initiated for a short
time, but generally once the source of infection has been removed the patient
should improve quickly.
Urinary tract infections can generally be divided into upper and lower urinary
tract infection. True pyelonephritis is very rare in thermally injured patients; however,
lower urinary tract infection can occur as a result of a chronic indwelling
Foley catheter. The diagnosis should be suspected when there are greater than
1 x 105 organisms cultured from a urine specimen. Also urinalysis may reveal white
cells and cellular debris associated with active infection. The most common organisms
are gram negative pathogens such as Escherichia coli. The appropriate
treatment consists of a 7-10 day course of an antimicrobial with good gram negative
coverage. Fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin are often very effective for
uncomplicated cases. If there is suspicion of an ascending infection, then more
aggressive treatment with prolonged systemic antimicrobials is warranted.
Smoke inhalation injury is a chemical tracheobronchitis that results from the
inhalation of the incomplete products of combustion and is often found in association
with severe burn injury. Inhalation injury impairs the mucociliary transport
mechanism and predisposes patients to colonization of the tracheobronchial
tree by microorganisms. In addition, direct cellular injury to the respiratory epithelium
results in the formation of extensive fibrinous casts composed of inflammatory
exudate and sloughed cells. Increased bronchial blood flow leads to increased
airway edema. As necrotic debris accumulates and airway edema is increased,
patients become susceptible to postobstructive atelectasis and pneumonia.
There is no specific treatment for tracheobronchitis other than aggressive
pulmonary toilet and supportive measures. It is important to realize, however,
that an upper respiratory infection can quickly turn into a lower respiratory infection
with significant mortality.
The diagnosis of pneumonia in severely burned patients is exceedingly problematic.
During the acute phase of injury these patients demonstrate a hypermetabolic
response characterized by increased basal metabolic rate and resetting
of their hypothalamic temperature setpoint. Increased levels of catecholamines
result in a hyperdynamic circulation. For these reasons, many of the usual signs
and symptoms of pneumonia are unreliable in the severely burned. Fever, leukocytosis,
tachypnea, and tachycardia may all be present even in the absence of an
infection. Sputum examination is rarely helpful since specimens are often contaminated
with oropharyngeal flora. More invasive sampling techniques such as
bronchoalveolar lavage have been advocated; however, these, have also been shown
to be less than ideal for establishing a diagnosis of pneumonia. Radiographic findings
can be helpful if they reveal lobar consolidation. Unfortunately, concomitant
inhalation injury and changes in pulmonary vascular permeability more often
result in diffuse nonspecific radiographic changes consistent with noncardiogenic
pulmonary edema. Pneumonias can result from descending infection of the tracheobronchial
tree or from hematogenous dissemination of microbial pathogens.
Inhalation injury is associated with descending infection and has clearly been shown
to increase the incidence and the mortality of nosocomial pneumonia in the burn
population. Generally, patients with a significant inhalation injury and a pneumonia
develop atelectasis, ventilation-perfusion mismatch, arterial hypoxia, and
respiratory failure. Prolonged mechanical ventilation leads to inevitable barotrauma
and further worsening of pulmonary status in these patients. While bronchoalveolar
lavage has been shown to correlate better with the presence of tracheobronchitis
than with radiographic evidence of true pneumonia, it is the best available tool.4
For this reason, a positive lavage in the appropriate clinical context mandates aggressive
intervention. These nosocomial pneumonias are generally gram negative
infections and systemic antimicrobial therapy with multiple agents is generally
required until the infection resolves clinically. Amikacin and piperacillin or
ceftazidime are generally recommended for serious infections, but antibiotics
should be selected on the basis of susceptibility patterns in each hospital. Once
cultures are returned, antimicrobial coverage may be narrowed appropriately.
Invasive fungal infections are occurring more frequently in the burn population
today. There should be a high index of suspicion for invasive fungal sepsis
anytime there is a severely burned patient who presents with a septic picture, but
has negative blood cultures and is unresponsive to antibiotic therapy. Systemic
candidiasis is a known complication of thermal injury and is most likely directly
related to generalized immunosuppression and broad-spectrum antimicrobial
therapy. Treatment with intravenous amphotericin B is the mainstay of treatment.
More recently, angioinvasive infections with Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Mucor have
been seen. These fungi have a predilection for endothelial invasion and thus can
spread quickly leading to rampant septicemia. Treatment generally consists of
itraconazole as first line therapy and fluconazole, or amphotericin B in selected
cases. Unfortunately, many fungi are rapidly becoming resistant to amphotericin
B, making other agents necessary. These infections are often fatal since they result
in widespread dissemination and extensive direct tissue invasion.
Sepsis may result from seeding of the bloodstream from the burn wound, the
respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary tract, and central venous
catheters. The burn wound and the lungs account for the vast majority of cases. It
is important to differentiate bacteremia from septicemia. Bacteremia refers to the
presence of bacteria in the blood stream and may occur transiently after burn
wound manipulation or excision. This transient bacteremia generally resolves and
is not associated with any significant morbidity. Septicemia, however, implies a
widespread response at the tissue level to bacteria or their products and toxins.
Traditionally sepsis is categorized as gram positive or gram negative. Gram negative
sepsis is by far the most predominant in severely burned patients. The diagnosis
of sepsis is a clinical diagnosis. Laboratory studies are supportive. A patient
who is adequately resuscitated and becomes hemodynamically unstable should
alert the clinician to the possibility of either active bleeding or the development of
septic shock. The five cardinal signs of sepsis are hyperventilation, thrombocytopenia,
hyperglycemia, obtundation, and hypothermia. Leukocytosis and fever
are also important, but must be interpreted with caution in this setting. Patients
who develop florid sepsis and progress to septic shock will manifest decreased
systemic vascular resistance and hypotension. In these cases, inotropic support is
needed in addition to systemic antimicrobial therapy. Blood cultures are helpful if
they are positive, but unfortunately they are often negative even in a critically
septic patient.
The use of systemic antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis in severely burned patients
is a subject of much controversy. Conventional wisdom holds that topical
antimicrobial therapy and aggressive wound care are sufficient for severely burned
patients in the absence of significant signs of infection. Proponents of this philosophy
maintain that only after clinical suspicion of an infection exists, should
systemic antimicrobial therapy be initiated. At this point, appropriate cultures are
drawn and coverage is adjusted. Proponents of conservative management further
hold that injudicious use of antimicrobials selects for multiple resistant organisms
and predisposes patients to superinfection. Unfortunately, this strategy may
be somewhat inappropriate in patients with massive burns. Because of the generalized
immunosuppression and the derangements in host defense that occur following
burns, these patients are already at substantial risk for invasive infection.
The question then becomes not “will this patient become infected?” but “when
will this patient become infected?” Clearly, once disseminated infection has occurred,
antimicrobial therapy is much less efficacious. Nonetheless, caution must
be exercised with over aggressive antibiotic use since these agents are often nephrotoxic
and burn patients may already have marginal renal status secondary to inadequate or delayed resuscitation. Proponents of aggressive antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis
would argue that it decreases the incidence of sepsis following massive
excision and appears to reduce mortality. In addition, bacterial surveillance
cultures can usually be used to discern the pathogens a patient is most likely to be
infected with ahead of time. While neither aggressive antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis
nor conservative management has been shown to be superior, either approach
is valid, provided the clinician is prepared to frequently reevaluate the
patient and has the appropriate resources in place to guide empiric antimicrobial
selection. Some would propose using burn size as a guideline for determining the
need for empiric coverage. In general, when a septic picture emerges in a patient
with a massive burn, aggressive treatment is mandated. In our institution, we routinely
begin empiric therapy with vancomycin, imipenem, and levofloxacin. Antimicrobial
coverage is then adjusted as appropriate, based on culture and
1. Herndon DN, Parks DH. Comparison of serial debridement and autografting
and early massive excision with cadaver skin overlay in the treatment of large
burns in children. J Trauma 1986; 26:149-52.
2. Shirani KZ, Pruitt BA, Mason AD Jr. The influence of inhalation injury and pneumonia
on burn mortality. Ann Surg 1987; 20:82.
3. Stein MD, Gamble DN, Klimpel KD et al. Natural killer cell defects resulting
from thermal injury. Cell Immunol 1984; 86:551-556
4. Ramzy PI, Herndon DN, Wolf SE et al. Correlation of bronchial lavage with radiographic
evidence of pneumonia in severe burns [abstract 117]. In Proceedings
of the American Burn Association, Chicago: J Burn Care Rehabil 1998;
Table 7.3. Cardinal signs of sepsis
Clinical Laboratory
Hypothermia Thrombocytopenia
Hyperventilation Hyperglycemia
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